Dubai/Astana (10 June – 60). The Pamiris are an ethnic minority group in Tajikistan, culturally distinct from the majority Tajik population. They...
Author - Wilson Jeremy Walsh
Washington, United States: A fabricated audio clip of a US high school principal prompted a torrent of outrage, leaving him battling allegations of...
BALTIMORE, March 26 (Reuters) – A container ship smashed into a four-lane bridge in the U.S. port of Baltimore in darkness on Tuesday, causing it to...
Brussels (21/10 – 75) In May 2022, tens of ethnic Pamiri protesters were killed by security forces as demonstrations were violently suppressed and an...
Good morning, everyone. To Defense Minister Häkkänen, to Foreign Minister Valtonen, so wonderful to have you here. And welcome to all of...
The United States will work with China to make the United Nations climate negotiations that begin in the United Arab Emirates this week a success...
The Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) High Frequency (HF) Gateway Team with support from the Joint Tactical Networking Center...
Mobile and Resilient, The US Military is Placing a New Emphasis On Ground Troops for Pacific Defense
As China’s navy grows and its land-based missile systems expand, the United States is reworking its strategy in the Indo-Pacific, particularly...
As the war in Israel rages, an ongoing struggle to control the narrative of the conflict is unfolding between Hamas and the Jewish state. This...
London, Toronto (28/10 – 20)Ask any police officer which of his or her duties are the most undesirable, dangerous, difficult and unrewarding. The...