Home » U.S. Sanctions Chinese and Russian Firms Over National Security Risks
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U.S. Sanctions Chinese and Russian Firms Over National Security Risks

The U.S. approved new sanctions Monday on firms in several countries, including China and Russia, accusing some of them of supplying components for unmanned aerial vehicles used by the Russian military in Ukraine.

Driving the news: The Commerce Department named 28 entities in countries including Finland, Germany, Oman, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, that it deemed are “acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests.”

The big picture: The U.S. and its allies have imposed extensive sanctions on Russia since its invasion of Ukraine.

What they’re saying: “Our actions send a clear message to those trying to evade our export controls that there will be consequences for behavior that seeks to undermine U.S. national security interests,” Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security Alan Estevez said in a statement.

  • “We will not hesitate to take swift and meaningful action against those who continue seeking to supply and support Putin’s illegal and immoral war in Ukraine,” he added.

Source : Axios
